Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Joel Takes on Architecture Astronauts & TDD

Being something of a TDD devotee and Kent Beck fanboy, I really enjoyed this rant by Joel Spolsky.

Money quote:
People that say things like this have just never written a heck of a lot of code. Because what they're doing is spending an enormous amount of time writing a lot of extra code, a lot of verbiage, a lot of files, and a million little classes that don't do anything and thousands of little interface classes and a lot of robustness to make each of these classes individually armed to go out into the world alone and do things, and you're not going to need it.
I always enjoy reading Joel, he's a great writer. I tried listening to his pod casts, but only had 5 minutes of interesting discussion in a 60 minute show. Let's hope he keeps excerpting the good stuff in his blog.

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